Multiplayer Dev Diary #12 - Devastating weapons: Spears

Haunted Space
3 min readOct 30, 2024

Hello raiders!

Welcome to the twelfth chapter of our development diaries. In the last diary, we introduced you to the foundational elements upon which we’re building the lore. But now, it’s THAT time. The time to get into the details. Please note that the images we’re sharing are of work-in-progress content.

One of the most important aspects of any post-apocalyptic lore worth its salt is: what caused the destruction and devastation?

So, let’s dive into the very weapons that turned the multiplayer environments you’ll be exploring into dangerous, highly inhospitable places: the Spears, also known as Destructive Spears or DeSpears. You can see the first concept art here.

In the concept phase, we wanted weapons that weren’t “just” destructive but capable of gradually tearing apart an entire world. The Spears are giant engines of torment that, thanks to the array of weapons they carry, can target not just individuals but entire planets. They were created by one of the alien races in the galaxy where the multiplayer is set, a race of builders that the Imperial settlers simply refer to as the Makers.

At its core, a Spear is a giant cluster bomb. At the top of its structure, just behind the thruster that guides the Spear toward a specific region of the planet, are petal-like canisters containing deadly bacterial bombs. These bombs are filled with a devastating and highly toxic pathogen, which is released in multiple directions as the Spear plummets toward the planet’s surface.

The lower section of the Spear, leading down to the tip and separate from the petal structure, contains a containment net holding torpedoes filled with a material of immense explosive power. Upon impact, the Spear penetrates the surface, driven deeper by an internal energy blade, and releases the torpedoes just beneath the planet’s crust.

These torpedoes burrow in and detonate, triggering landslides, igniting volcanic activity, and in some cases, reaching the planet’s core and annihilating it. DeSpears aren’t designed for immediate destruction but for the slowest, most excruciating destruction possible.

But no more spoilers! That’s all for today. We hope we’ve sparked your curiosity, and we’ll see you in the next chapter.

Keep in mind that you can follow our articles directly on X from our official page

Farewell, raiders!



Haunted Space
Haunted Space

Written by Haunted Space

A deep adventure that lets you experience tight space combat against dangerous rival pilots or monstrous beings.

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