Multiplayer Dev Diary #10 - A post-apocalyptic space
Hello raiders!
We are finally back with another dev diary. We are moving forward with the production of our multiplayer game, and the theme we will be discussing today can be summed up in one word: post-apocalyptic!
In our space combat games, the word “post-apocalyptic” is central, not just as an abstract concept. As you will see in the concepts we are working on, we are introducing this level of destruction and finding the right way to portray it. Keep in mind that the images shared are still works in progress.
Imagine a world ravaged by destruction, where once-sacred buildings have been obliterated by a mysterious catastrophe. Geysers bubble with water that reminds us of the pain the planet’s inhabitants have endured and the death that lurks in the dark corners where the stars no longer shine but have given way to rubble. Extinct volcanoes have reactivated, the air smells of sulfur, and the sacred walls of temples are corrupted by strange organic material.
This is how we imagined it.
Having introduced water into our map (and those of you who follow these journals diligently know this!), we are working hard to transform clear, clean, safe water into an unhealthy environment where dangerous biological growths have sprung up on the surface and infected the entire world, taking away life where it once thrived. The destruction that this planet has undergone should be evident from one of its main characteristics, just like water.
We are very inspired by the concept of corruption. We can’t give away too many details, but in our projects (not just in multiplayer!) and in the stories we build, there is an underlying factor of destruction, a cataclysm caused by something cursed that has brought death and devastation. In the map we are showing you, we are trying to apply this concept to the buildings.
We want to create a clear contrast between what might have been there before, when the planet was thriving, nature was pristine, and life was flourishing, and the same planet after the catastrophe. We believe that this evil climbing the walls, changing color, and spreading like a plague is the most immediate way to communicate to the players that something has changed in the world they are fighting in, and it has brought only death.
As always, we appreciate the feedback we get from you. It lets us know that our work is appreciated and makes us proud of what we do.
Keep in mind that you can follow our articles directly on X from our official page
Farewell, raiders!